So...Im with my Hubby in FarRockaway N.Y. The weather outside is quiet astonishing compared to GA's weather. I am so happy to spend my new year with Hubby, for the first time in 4 1/2 years.
So I woke up December 29, 2010, at 5 am to catch my 7:25 flight to NY. What a morning! We got there at about 6:30 so I had to rush, since security has became a bit of a hassle, plus there were so many people traveling. The line was fairly long, however it went pretty fast. After that I rushed and barely made the flight. I was sitting in the middle of two other women. To my right was an older woman and on my left a woman who was from Africa, whom told me she was traveling to pick up her children from Africa. It was a pretty nice flight. It took about 1 hr and 40 minutes, not too bad. From there I rushed to meet my Hubby. Once I went outside, however, I realized I wasn't in GA anymore... There was so much snow! My GA eyes have never seen so much snow in person, it almost looked fake!.I went to the airtrain and traveled to meet my Hubby at the subway/train. Our eyes locked and a huge smile came from the both of us. We rushed to hug and kiss. It was so amazing. From there we went to his house, so we could leave my bags as we took on another adventure. We walked to the bus stop and waited. We were going to his job so I could meet his co-worked, though the one that really wanted to meet me was not there. When we got there we said hello to each other the employees working then left. Kinda seemed like a waste, but it was okay. Then we took the bus back, got back on the subway/train to go to the city. We got there and decided that he has waited long enough to watch Tron, so we saw it, which I must add was brilliant! (Now I feel as if I should watch the original to remember the whole story line). From there we traveled from 34th street to 50th street, on foot, in the cold, at night. Then once we got to 50th street we had to travel 12 more blocks to find the "Amazing Tree." When we finally reached the tree I was not too amazed. It was big but not as big as I figured and to travel all that way for that was kind of sad. To top it off it was crowded and there was no way we would be able to ice skate, which I have never done before. So we headed back and once we got home we were both knocked out!
More of the story to come + pictures